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Be Financially Prepared in 2019

Start your 2019 right!

Who doesn’t love the New Year? The idea that we can forget the past, start over and move forward excites us most. But more than just a fresh start, the new year is an opportunity to strengthen your finances and secure your future.

One of the best ways to start being financially stable and secure is to invest in a Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF). UITF is a pooled investment (money collected from various investors) which has a specific investment objective, managed by a professional investment team that aims to maximize returns within reasonable risk levels. In a nutshell, your contribution, together with other investors, will be in safe hands.

Here is a quick runthrough of how UITFs can help your financial growth:

UITFs are managed by professionals

Leave the numbers to us! No need to burden yourself and stress over things that require a lot of analyzing and watching the market -- our professionally-trained investment experts will do these things for you.

UITFs diversify your investment

Good news: Your investment doesn’t have to be in just one or two stocks -- you can diversify and invest in more than that. UITFs are invested in stocks, bonds, treasury bills, debt securities, high-yield savings account, and other fixed-income instruments.

UITFs are affordable

If you are new to investments, UITFs are the perfect product for you. You don’t need to shell out a huge amount of money. You can start investing in UITF for as little as P5,000. It’s your most affordable passage to the world of investments!


Knowing what to do with your money is necessary, but knowing where to put it is just as important. So, for the coming year, consider investing in a UITF. Manulife Asset Management and Trust Corporation, the fastest growing trust corporation in the country, offers a variety of investment options, including UITFs. Talk to a Manulife Wealth Specialist today to learn more about UITFs.

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