Want to be better with your finances next year? Here are some tips:
By this time, you’re probably thinking about how to welcome the new year and make it better. Including your finances in your new year’s resolution is a must if you want to be smarter with your money in 2024. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Here's to looking forward to a better year, making more responsible choices, and doing what we can now to make every day better. Get started by talking to a Manulife Advisor today.
Filipinos Are Not Retirement-Ready, Reports Say
According to recent reports, only 29% of Filipino adults have a savings account. The Philippines, in fact, has one of the lowest savings rates in Southeast Asia. Another survey showed that 46% of Filipinos rely on cash savings or deposits for retirement, but how far can your money take you?
Turning retirement dreams into financial reality: Timeless strategies that can help your savings grow
The freedom to enjoy life on your own terms, with plenty of time (and money) to travel, focus on your hobbies or do whatever your heart desires may come to mind first when you think of retirement. But funding this milestone in one’s stage of life takes planning, discipline, and perseverance – and the sooner you start, the better.
How to Stay Committed to Your New Year's Resolutions
Tips to help you stay committed to your new year’s resolutions. Read more.