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How to keep your employees happy

Invest in their well-being today!


For business owners, the pandemic may have posed various challenges in different aspects of their business. Some may have experienced operational setbacks, others may have experienced difficulties in their work environment. It also afforded employers an opportunity to get a better glimpse of the challenges the team might be facing, as well as the areas where people shine. 

But beyond that, employers have started to think of ways to not only retain their employees but also to keep them happy. Is this something you're looking into in your own business?

With changing needs brought by changing times, it might be time to revisit your employee benefits plan. Here are a few tips employers, especially SMEs could consider, to retain talent.

Check up on them. Between the work texts and emails, find time to catch up with your employees and see how they’re doing. Not only will they appreciate this, but this might give you better insight into what motivates them as well as possible challenges they're facing outside of work, which may impact productivity. This also shows that you care for them as people, and not just as employees.

Invest in their well-being. These days, their overall health and well-being are on top of their priority list, next to job security. Make sure that you have a plan to secure their future, especially during times of uncertainty. If you’ve been looking for an affordable insurance plan to help put your employees’ minds at ease, you can invest in a group plan such as Manulife’s Group Protect. It comes with guaranteed financial assistance, comprehensive accident protection, and total and permanent disability benefit. These are some of the most sought-after benefits today, and covering that for your employees will give them a sense of security.

Reward loyalty and hard work. Even if you're a start-up team of five people or a growing business with 100 employees, insurance options like Group Protect are designed to be customizable enough to fit your company’s needs. You can add daily hospital income benefits in case of confinement, accidental medical reimbursement benefits, and even benefits for certain types of diseases. On top of the comprehensive basic plan, you can design your employee benefits program in such a way that you can add these meaningful benefits to reward loyalty and good performance.

No matter the industry you're in, these benefits provide assurance to employees. And the best part about this is that it creates a better work environment for your employees wherever they may be! Know more about what you get with this plan according to your needs. Talk to a Manulife Advisor today and get started on making every day better for you and your employees.

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