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Insurance isn’t just good for when you’re gone

Here's why.


In times like these, our minds are focused on protecting ourselves — our physical health, mental well-being, and financial stability. The thought of getting insured might have crossed our minds, especially when thinking about securing ourselves in case the worst happens. But did you know that getting insurance can also benefit us now and not just after death?


You can get actual benefits while you’re alive too. Insurance helps you prepare for when you’re gone, but it also allows you to reap benefits before that time comes. In fact, there’s such a thing as “living benefits”! Manulife Freedom, for example, is a savings and retirement plan that could also benefit you in the present. With this, you can get regular guaranteed payouts (options to receive your cash benefit in full or as regular payments). As time passes, the money you invest can grow too - letting you take pride in the fact that you are also investing long-term.

It may be an extra source of income. The same plan can work lucratively for you too. On top of the aforementioned living benefits, Manulife Freedom lets you get dividend earnings or extra income that you can reinvest or use for your personal needs. You can live your life to the fullest knowing that you have extra funds stashed away that aren’t strictly for your bare essentials.

A source of emergency funds. The same plan can give you guaranteed cash values, giving you the option to borrow money from your policy in case of an emergency. In uncertain times, having this kind of fallback is important.

Hospital benefits can be included too. The same plan can give you hospital benefits, so you don’t have to get a separate plan to access hospital services.

Peace of mind for you and your loved ones. The same plan doesn’t just give you life insurance coverage until you’re 65 — you can insure your family too. On top of that, you might sleep easier knowing your family won’t be burdened by financial troubles in case something untoward happens to you because you’ve taken care of your finances in advance. In these challenging times, the last thing you need is more mental turmoil.

Getting insurance now may give you a better sense of security about your finances, your retirement, and help you make peace with the inevitable when it comes someday. The thought of retirement should empower you to do more in the present instead of hindering you and making you fear the future. Talk to a Manulife expert today to know more about how they can help you do just that.

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