When the next one strikes, we'll be ready for it
Almost everyone can agree that the COVID-19 pandemic has upturned lives. What you can do is to prepare yourself to return to your normal routine, and think of ways to be better equipped for whatever calamity might strike - whether it’s a brownout, typhoon or even the next possible pandemic. Though you might not be able to tell when and what the next crisis might be, it’s always best to be prepared.
Food Supply
In building an emergency food supply, most suggest preparing at least three days’ worth of food. Though that might seem like it’s enough, it’s always better to prepare for worse calamities which might keep you locked in your house for about a month or so. Stock up on food that does not require cooking such as canned goods and nuts. These types of food are non-perishable, meaning they have a much longer shelf life compared to fresh food. Dried goods like fruits, meat, seafood, and vegetables are probably good to add to your stock too.
Emergency Kit
When putting together your emergency kit, keep in mind that the kit itself is just as important as its contents. Find a kit that’s waterproof, easy to carry, and durable to ensure that the contents are safe. Inside the kit you should have:
1. First aid supplies such as common medicine, bandages, splints, and personal medication. (Regularly check the expiration date of your meds.)
2. Basic personal care like soap, shampoo, sanitary products, tissue, and alcohol
3. A flashlight
4. A multipurpose tool (a single tool that has a variety of functions and implements to serve multiple purposes)
5. A whistle
Important Documents
It's important to have copies of documents such as birth certificates, passports, driver’s licenses, identification cards, insurance cards, and other vital personal records which should all be kept in a safe spot. In recovering from a disaster, these documents are crucial—for instance, having a copy of your insurance will help you when you file claims.
Home Garden
Though tending a home garden is a great pastime, it's also a way to ensure food security. One benefit of growing your own crops is knowing that you’re getting produce that’s safe for consumption since you didn’t use any harmful chemicals. It saves you a lot of money as well since seeds are cheap and you can propagate many crops from the scraps and cuttings of most fruits and vegetables such as carrots, green onions, garlic, potatoes, and onions.
Basic Insurance
If we’ve learned anything the last few months, it’s that life can get turned on its head at what feels like a moment's notice. The world seldom offers any guarantees so it’s up to you to take that responsibility and secure yourself from the unknown and the unpredictable. And what better way to do so than by applying for affordable health insurance or life insurance? With this, you know that your health and your family’s future are secured and you can focus your expenditures on other things that matter.
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